Nights of my acceptance

There are some nights, beautiful or lost, and today’s was definitely the latter. I just felt like taking some time off but failed to do so because of the clutter of my mind. So, I am just going to spill …

Endless Something

It has been long now. It feels like an endless something, almost robotic and baseless sometimes. I do not know where I am heading with the current set of things. What I’m left with is that omnipresent echo of my …

Emotions: A New Way to get Stuck

Sometimes you don’t just feel stuck but confused. And that is part of human behavior. We are emotional beings trying to adjust those emotions and feelings that are very primitive. You hear different aspects, scenarios, the success stories and the …

OTHERNET: The World’s Local Network, Free Internet!?

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” — Article 19 of the …

Animal or Human!?

Animal or Human!? When we’ll wake up, it is going to be late. People talk about survival, that species evolved only because of their superiority, mental and/or physical. But I firmly believe mankind is lost. Lost in it’s own dilemma of a world it wanted to create. Well our survival today is hardly any physical strength or trait.

Animals have camouflage, humans have manipulation…
We don’t fit here, we never did. Manipulating our way out of every situation.

That’s us!

– Unspoken Seas

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ISRO: A Space Leap

Indian Space and Research Organization, ISRO is a space agency which was envisioned and founded by DR. Vikram Sarabhai in the year 1969 and is headquartered at Bengaluru, India. ISRO [formerly known as Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR)], …